Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer Fling 3

Hellow!!!! This is H!!!
I dedicate this post to.....
Kilmin bil Kuwait allah 3enkom 3ala il '3abar oo il 7ar!!!Salmooli 3ala il Kuwait!!;p Miss u!!!!!
oo 2 kilmin eb Ameereca...Miss u!!!!
oo 2 Kilmin eb Franca... Yala mita eb tiyoon!!!
oo 2 kilmin eb loonkom lay 7abatooha!!!!
oo 2 kil min eb London...Have Fun SHOPPING!!!!!!
oo 2 all the readers!!
oo S mashkoora...adri wayed athatich!!!
This post is especially dedicated to Moocow 3ashet il bussiness woman oo R mashallah 3alach u change ur mind every day!!!!...Mashkooreen 3ala ur support couldnt have done it without u!!! 

Ayyy rassi thigeel e3awrni umbay ayyy ayy laish fee gauze 3ala rassii?! Fita7t 3ayni wila ashoof inna 3azeez ga3ed ykalim Meera. They were near the door oo the door was open. "Bye" was the only thing I heard oo Meera left.

3azeez shaf inna I opened my eyes as he approached he said, "7imdillah 3ala il salama!!"  He sat on the chair next to my bed; I did not reply, I just smiled bes my eyes began to water...


3azeez's post of view

Awal ma 6a7et Zaina e5tara3t madri shasawi gilt 7ag il driver mal il bus 3ashan he stops yam il hospital bes he said, " Sorry Sir, I cant!!" oo ba3dain her friend Meera  sa3edatni a'3a6i il jara7 illi 3ala rasha oo I carried her out of the bus oo ga3dna indawer taxi lama at last we found one.

Lama Meera ra7et oo shift Zaina wehya tabchi tiwahaget madri shasawi 9ij inna I have 3 sisters bes still....

"Shfeech??" I said oo garabt il chair next to her bed.

"Abbiii ommi! Laish rassi e3awrni? Ana waini?? Esh9ar feeni??" She said oo ba3dain she started to cry! Maskeena takser il 5a6er.

"Shhh Shhh" I said gently "mafeech illa il 3afya...bes 6i7tay bil bus oo you had a simple cut 3ala ur forehead oo they stiched it 5 stiches. Oo al7een il sa3a 3:00 il fayer. I thought about calling ur parents bes they're asleep oo a5af  I call oo yi5tar3oon." A7is nafsi chinni akalim yahel.  Afashel ista'3farallah!
"m-mashkoor innik you took care of me..." I gave her a tissue to wipe her tears.

"Il 3afu la shiker 3ala wajeb! Intay namay al7een Zayoon oo inshallah lama you wake up your parents will be here." I smiled. Gilt  "Zayoon", umbay yimkin 3alabaha inni ga3ed akalim yahel fashla!

Zaina's post of view

way ya7lila gali "Zayoon"!!

"Umm Zaina?" He said oo he looked worried.

"Shfeeck? 3azeez 3asa ma shar?!" I said freaking out. Fee shay ba3ad?!

"Ma shar, bes bo'3at agoolich inna I'm sorry about what happened today it was my fault!!"...he looked so innocent. 

"Laish your fault??" I asked oo I was 7adi confused.

"It was my fault la2ana kan mafrooth inna ma 5aleech itgoomeen illa lamma ewagif il bus"....maskeen kan 7ada yakser il 5a6er!! Oo im9adig inna kan momkin inna esawi shay 3ashan ewagif illi 9ar!

Way ya7lailik tit2saf la2anik ma ga3adtni way ya7iliwik!
"Bil 3aks a9lan I'm supposed to apologize la2ani emga3ditik ma3ay ehni oo you're supposed be sleeping la2ana you have a class after a couple of hours! I'm sorry!!"

"Wallah ma 3indich salfa it2asifain! Wallah ana 3indi ag3ed hny ma3ach wala aroo7 7ag this boring class!"

Rassi  e3awirni 7ada ayyy....

"Shfeech? Shfeech??" 3azeez gal oo shakla mi5tiri3.

"La2 mako shay bes rassi e3awirni..."

"Ee tara gal il dictor inna ra7 e3awrich 7ag a couple of days. Fa may5alif ta7amilay shway!!" 

"3adi please you tell me what happened exactly?"

He started telling me the whole story oo gali "I carried you outside the bus and we walked until we found a taxi bes the walk wasnt long..."

 He carried me!!!!!!!!! Umbay way  fashla way  fashla!!!!! Bes ya7a'6i inna shalni bes fashla!!


"Ee shfeech?"

"Umbay 3azeez 3asa ma 3awert '6ahrik wila shay umbay sorry!! Laish shiltni??" My face 6ab3an turned into a tomato. 

"Shfeech, 3adi a9lan ma kintay thgileela kilish!! Mit3awed kila asheel e3yal 5awati, oo 3adi la tisti7een!!"

Soolafna oo mar il waget... 

'Knock Knock'

Gam 3azeez ebyifita7 il bab wila ommi oo obooy eyoon.

"Hala 3ammi, hala 5alti! Shloonkom??" Said 3azeez.

"Wallah il 7imdillah zaineen 7abbibi", my mother replied.

"Hala eb 7abibti hala! Ha yuma inshallah mako shay e3awrich?? 7abibti intay wallah!!" Allah yhadach yuma mu jidam il walad 3ad! 

"La2 yuma mafini illa il 3afya inshallah!!"

"Hala baba shloonich??"  My father asked.

"il 7imdillah zaina baba!!"

"Ana baroo7 akalim il dictor." My father said

"Oo ana ba3ed bamshi la2ana waray mo7a'6ara... ma tshofeen shar Zaina"

"Il shar ma yeek! Mashkoor!!"

"Mashkoor 7abibi, ma ga9art ma3a salama!!" My mother replied.

Ashwa gal il dictor I can leave today bes lazem eshoofni! Way, laish ya3ni?!


3ojeb ma 6ala3t min il mostashfa lazzam 3azeez inna gabel safret ommi oo oboy enroo7 nit3asha eb his apartement!! His building is across my building.

'Dring Dring'


"Yalla mama fashla lanta2a5er 3ala il walad!!"

"Inshallah...yuma tara ana 5al9a atlaga ma3akom bara his building!"

"Ee yala 5oosh!!"

I wore a simple blue dress oo fee eshwaya ruffles and white ballerinas, oo 7a6et eshwaya eye liner oo ba3dain I rushed to meet up with my parents!

"Hala yuma! Hala yuba! Shloonkom?"

"Hala eb 7abtibti! Il 7imdillah zaineen." Said my mother.

"Yala mishaina!" Said my father.


We entered the building oo rikabna il elevator.

'Knock Knock'

3azeez opened the door and grinned oo his smile is, mashallah, to die for!!! He wore jeans and a light blue blouse...oo he was wearing a white apron!! zoo'3a!!!

"Hala wala tifa'6low!! Tifa'6low!! 7ayallah min yana!!!" He said. Way mashallah wayed elsana 7elew!!!

"Allah y7ayeeck!!" We all said together.

"3ithrooni bes kint ga3ed a6ba5 il 3asha fa baroo7 ashoof itha 5ala9 wila la2."

Ana 9a6alt eb wayha inta ti6ba5!!!! Umbay ana 7addi afashel kilish I don't how to cook a9lan ana ma ad5al il ma6ba5!!!!

"Tifathel 7abibi!!!" My father said.

My mother came closer and whispered, "5alfallah 3alach ya ebnayti mat 3arfeen ti6bi5een!!"

"Yuma...7aram 3alaich intay ma 3alamtini!!!"

Just then 3azeez came in and said, "tifa'6low 3ala il 3asha!!"

We went to the dinning room, the food was set on the table oo ri7eta itbi6 il rass 3ajeeba!!!

The salad was amazing!!! Oo the pasta was delicious!!

"Tislam edick 3azeez!!" I said shly.

"Mashkoora!!" He smiled his killing - million dollar smile!!!

After the amazing dinner, he showed us his apartment. It consisted of 2 bedrooms, a cosy living room, and a kitchen. Ya3ni his apartment was simple and nice!!
 When we were in the living room talking about random stuff, I realized inna I can see my apartment from here! Ya3ni I can see him from my apartment!!! Way 7adi stalker bes la tloomoni!!!

We said our goodbyes and left.

"Zayoona, tara youm il yim3a 3azeez biwa9ilna il ma6ar!!" My father said.

"La2 yuba! Laish 5alata ewa9ilkom?!!"

"il walad lazzam oo a9lan ma 3indina a7ed ewa9ilna il ma6ar. Laish ma tabina ewa9ilana??"

"Yuba ya3ni ana akeed babchi! Mabi kilmin eshoofni wana abchi!!"

"Ya3ni al7een 3adi kilmin bil ma6ar eshoofich tabcheen ila 3azeez??"

"Eeee yuba fashla!" I whined 

"Al7een moo fashla jidam il nass bes fashla jidam 3azeez!!!" I sensed anger in my father's voice.

"5ala9 yuba illi tabi bi9eer!!"

As we crossed the street to my apartment my mother said, "may5alif yuma!"

"Yuba please gi3dow 3indi lama anam la2ani a5af!!"

"It5afeen min shino??"

"Madri yuba! Madri! Gi3dow 3indi lama I sleep!"

"Inshallah mama!!!" My mother said.
w My parents stayed with me until i slept.

 I woke up today early in the morning went to my parents hotel ..

Knock Knock 

"9aba7 il 5ar!!"...said my father

"9aba7 il noor!!"

"Shloonkom??..5ala9tow ejna6kom wila ba3ed??"

"ee 5ala9na!!"

"5an inroo7 nitrayag 3alama eyi 3azeez!!"

"ee inshallah!!"

20 minutes later

We went down ate breakfast and my father checked out.

After having an amazing breakfast 3azeez came just in time.

"il salam 3alakom"'

"wa3alikom il salam ha mishna?" father said

"kaifkom!"..3azeez answered

"yalla mishana!!"

We went to the airport, and my parents took their boarding.

"Yalla ya 7e9a lazem al7een inroo7!"..said my father

"ee yalla!!"

"Ma3a salama 3ammi ma3a salama 5alti itridoon bil salama inshallah!!..itwa9ooni 3ala shay?? "

"Allah ysalmick!!" my parents both replied together

"deerbalik 3ala 3indi '3airha!!" mother said as her eyes began to water

"Inshallah 5alti lat wa9een 7aree9!!"...he said and grinned at me

"Zaina ana bin6irich bil sayara!!"

"la2 3adi roo7 ana arid eb taxi a5af at2a5er 3alak!!"...i didnt want to sound rude bes i didnt want him to see me CRY!!!

"la2 3adi ma waray shay!!"

"Salmoolli 3ala ahal il kuwait!"..he said and turned and left away.

" ma3a salama yuma!"...i said and hugged my mother very hard and we both started to cry!!..i never left my mother for this long!!

"Ma3a salama mama diribalich 3ala nafsich oo inshallah kil shahar  aw shahar oo eshway ayeelich!!!"...she said

"intay al7een laish tabcheen intay illi giltay tabeen tadrseen bara ma7ad '3a9ibach!!" father complained

"adri yuba adri bes mara7 ashoofkom 7ag wayed.......ma3a salama yuba!!" i hugged my father hard and i saw a tear in his eye.

After 15 minutes of saying goodbye i went outside the airport and looked for 3azeeez....i wiped my tears!!

3azeez waved his hands and called my name "Zaina Zaina!!"

i found him and power waked to his car!

3azeez saw and said "shfeech tabcheen a7ad athach??"...he said

"la2  makoo ga3da abchi bes shay da5al da5el 3anni oo dama3et 3anni!!!"

"shakilich ga3da tabcheen!!"

"ee adri!!"


"la-la2ana my parents safirow...adri innik ra7 ti'67ak 3alai bes shsawi moo mit3owda ahidhom 7ag 6ool hal waget!!"...i started crying all over again

he laughed....."iskit tara may'6ik!!!"i said

"Sorry!!!..inzain 5ala9 moo lazem tabcheen gam'6ay fat7ay oo omich yayitich....gam'6ay fat7ay ila intay mit5arja inshallah!!!"..he said and he came closer to me and hugged me!!!

he hugged me ... umbay he hugged me !!!! his hug didnt last long but it was warm and comfy ... i felt safe near him!!

The ride back home was quiet...his eyes were focused on the street the whole time...madri eshfee!!

We reached my building and i opened the door, but before i left i said "Mashkoor 3azeez ma ga9art asfaa itha athatik oo na6artik!"

"il 3afu..la2 3adi eshda3awa!!"....he smiled back weakly

i was about to close the door when"Zaina Zaina...!!"...3azeez called


"Zainaa ana asif!"...he said

"3ala shino?"i said confused

"Ana asif la2ani i hugged moo 8a9di bes wallah kan shaklich yakser il 5a6ir!!..wallah ana asif ana moo chethee..." 3azeez said innocently

"3adi eshda3wa adri innik moo chethee..adri innik 5oosh walad" i smiled at him!!!...he grinned back at him oo tana7et eb wayha

"Zaina Zaina wain ri7tay hal marra?"....i laughed at him

"ha la2 wala mokan...thank u again for everything!!"

"No 9a7 gabl la ansa hatha ra8mi itha bi'3atay shay 00447*********"
"ee okay mashkoora ma ga9art!!!"

I watched him as he left!!

First Day of Uni was busy and tiring bes it wasnt as bad as i thought it will be ...  il 7imdillah!!

Weeks have passed and 3azeez and I became close friends!

It was a Friday night, and i was studying in the library in the uni...i looked at my watch wila it was 11:30 umbay i have 2 go...i took a couple of books and left i decided to walk back home the weather was amazing!!

Suddenly from no where comes a man wearing a black stocking on his face and pulls my bag really hard. I started screaming 7eel bes ma7ed 3abarni!!!
"Help HELP HELP HELP.....Wa5er 3ani ya 7mar wa5er!!!"......i started hitting him will the strength i have!!! 
"Help HELP!!!!! WA5ER YA 7MAR WA5ER!!!Help somebody help!!!"......i street was empty no one came!!! this all happened in seconds!!!....he pushes me 2 the ground and steals my bag which was fulled with books and my make up bag,wallet which contained all my credit cards and everything!!!. He ran really fast and i can see him opening the bag while running and throwing my things out a5er shay he stopped at the end of the road and my threw my bag in the GARBAGE!!!!...i tiredly picked my things and thank god inna i had my mobile in my pocket...i only thing i didnt pick was my bag!!!

I dialed 3azeez's number!!!

6oooooo6 6oooooo6 6oooooo6 6oooooooooo6 ha laish ma yird umbay yimkin nayim!!!

"Aloo"...he said oo his voice was different shakla kaneb sabi3 nooma

"Aloo 3azeez sorry adig 3alak hal 7aza bes fee a7ed bagni!!!" my lips started quivering as I ended the sentence ..

"SHINO??...ana al7een yaylich wanich??"

i told him where i was.. 3ala ma i waited from him i went near the garbage to get my bag and as i got closer the garbage stinks!! wai3 min9ijich u dont want me 2 explain how the garbage smells ya3ni!!!...oo 6aleet da5el il zbala oo w ana minarfaa 7adi..  5athet my bag!!!. I checked if everything was there il 7imdillah inna everything was there. Ashwaa ma shaf my wallet!!!

Suddenly i saw a car get closer,, thank god it was 3azeez!!!

3azeez stopped the car and came running to me!!!

"3azeeez!!!"I was so happy he came so quickly!!

"feech shay???ta3awartay?? wain kintay???eshyabich ehni hal 7azza??"...he said as he layed him hands on my shoulder checking of i've been hurt!!

"3azeez kil shay 9ar 5ilal seconds. The man came from no where!!"....i started crying i was in shock!!!

"Shhh may5alif 5ala9 ur safe now ur with me theres nothing to be afraid of!!!" he said as he removed his jacket and covered me with it.

"tadreen wain ga6 jan6iti bil ze-....bil zebala!!"i sobbed and gasped

he came closer and hugged me,,,his hug was warm,caring, and i could listen to the rythm of his hearts beat which made me feel safe!!!

"al7een inroo7 il bait oo everything's going to be fine inshallah!!!"..he said

We went back to his apartment i felt really tired and i was still in shock.  I was scared!!!!!

I sat on his cozy couch and he covered me with his blanket and he made me a cup of hot chocolate!

"3azeez ana ana 5ayfa layi il 7arami marathanya wala shakla kan e5ari3!!"

"Gitlich 7abeebti bidamich ma3ay nothings going to happen to you not even a small scratch!!!" 

******************************"Gitlich 7abeebti bidamich ma3ay nothings going to happen to you not even a small scratch!!!" '7abeebti'...ya7lela he's so innocent!!! his eyes, his smile, everything about him !!!

"Inshallah.... ana lazem aroo7 il bait!!"...i smiled back shyly

"La2!"...bismillah esh9ar shfee!!!

"mat ro7een il bait....la2 3ogeb ily 9ar mat ro7een!!!...a5af ba3ed y9eer feech shay thani!!..plz tara ommich wa9atni 3alaich!!".....5ayif 3alay!!!!!!

"bes il nass shino bitgool!!!...et3arf ba3ed il nass ya7ibhom 7ag il 7achi!!"

"malhom shi'3el il nass!!"....i was too tired to talk! bes mabi anam 3inda shino bigoloon il nass.. shino bifakroon!!!!..i decided inna agool embacher il 9ibi7 oo aro7 my apartment


"Inzain..ana al7een ba7atherlich il guest room 3ashan itnameen feeha!!"...he said and left!

ga3adt shrabet my hot chocolate it was warm and tasty!!!..I decided to lay down and rest!!!

3azeez's Point of View 

I quickly organized the room changed the bed sheets and less than half and hour the room was clean and ready!! I went to the living room, and saw Zaina sleepy quietly on the couch. She seemed so young, innocent, and relaxed. I didnt want to wake her up. I placed a pillow under her head and covered her with a warm blanket, and off i went to sleep!


I woke up in the morning and i look at my watch it was 11:30!!!...Umbay i missed my classes there is no use i go to my classes anymore!
"3azeez.....3azeez"...i called bes no one answered....i saw a note on the table and  it said!

Good Morning!! Sorry i left,but i had a test today and i cant miss it!! 
I hope ur feeling better today!  I made you breakfast its in the oven! 
See u soon!

AWWW he made me breakfast!!!..Thats so sweet!!!...I went to the kitchen at my breakfast!...cleaned the plates and folded the blanket in the living room and i left to my apartment!

"Zaina"...i familar voice called i turned around and saw 3azeez

"Hala 3azeez thank u for everything wala i owe u!"

"No problem inshallah ur feeling better al7een??"

"ee il 7imdillah!"

he walked me to my apartment and then he left

It was a start day morning and i didnt have much do to, so i decided i play my dvd that teaches people how to ballroom dance! I opened the balcony doors the weather was amazing!! i the wind was blowing my hair and my hair was flying away! I changed my clothes and wore a puffy skirt and and a puffy blouse!! I went back to the living room played the dvd and i began dancing!..I put my hands on an imaginary man one on his shoulder and the other on his wait i moved my right foot forward and my left foot backward...i was so into dancing that i didnt realize what was happening i didnt realize what time it is!..I danced and danced i was in my own world a happy relaxing world!!!....The song and the lesson came to an end!!..I tiwsted like them danced like them and at last bowed like them!

Clap Clap...Someone was clapping!! "Bravo Bravo!"...As i got closer to the balcony i realized it was 3AZEEZ!!...umbay fashla i got out to the balcony 
"Bravo Bravo my lady" he said in an english accent as i clapped his hands! he was sitting in his balcony that was across mine!

"Thank u my lord!!"..i said as I bowed

"My lady would u like to walk with me?"...i stayed quiet i just smiled back at him.

"My lady, nothing is going to happen to you, ull be safe between my arms, ull fear nothing but yourself, nothings going to hurt u not even an ant, and ull always be loved!"

"My lord how can i be sure that i would always be loved!"

"Well..i'd give u my soul if yours was taken!"...He grinned at me and i cant resist his smile

"After all my lady its just a walk!"

""If u insist my lord!"...i blushed

"See u in a couple of minutes!"...he said and left

I went back inside and changed into my  navy blue Juciy trainings!

I met him, and we walked and walked 

There was a big black bulldog passing by and i hate dogs, so i moved as far away from the dog as i can!

"Shfeech?"...3azeez said

"fee chalb!!"

"I5afeen min il chlaba??"...he said and laughed at me

"tara may tha7ik...where's ur promise?"

"Oh, my lady i forgot there is a lot going on, oh please forgive me shall never forget that again!"...he said innocently

"Oh well, i think i should give u another chance!"

We laughed and contuied walking when 3azeez suddelny says


Inshallah u liked my post!!!;p

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Summer Fling 2

HELLOOOOOOOOO!!! This is G...XD!! Inshalla ya3jibkom my post; oo I posted it somewhat earlier than expected la2anna I know inna I can't post tomorrow fa gilt mabi a3aligkom! :D This is dedicated to O10 oo especially 7ag Bahsheep oo Mrs.CJ (You know who you are)! Ma ra7 a6awil 3alaikom... ENJOY THE POST!!! Oo please comment; your opinion matters to me!


After snapping out of my frazzled state, I jumped out of bed and rushed to my closet to find an ‘appropriate’ outfit. In my mind, I envisioned myself looking flawless in a casual yet sophisticated dress. Unfortunately, while I was packing I really didn’t have that thought in mind, it was rather more like “I’ve got to get this over with! It is torture, TORTURE I TELL YOU!”

Yeah, I really hate packing, especially with the prospect of going out for a drive in my new car or meeting up with my friends hanging over my head. So yeah, needless to say I didn’t find that ‘casual yet sophisticated’ dress I was looking for! I opted for a dressy blouse with tailored trousers and a pair of matte flats so as not to look as though I was trying ‘too hard’. As if! Me?! Trying to hard?? After yesterday??? Yeah right!

Anywho, after giving my hair one last flick the door bell sounded through the hotel room and I rushed to see who it was. Now, don’t you know that I know SO many people in London who might drop by any second? It’s not like the only two people I know are Meera and 3azeez! My parents are a totally different story. Evidence #1, I’m stuck in this situation because they were ‘ma3zoomeen’!

Il7een nirja3 ila mi7war il 7adeeth, 3azeez oo the door bell. 8a9di the still unidentified visitor dropping by and the door bell. With an evident bounce in my step and my ever-increasing flush as I got nearer to the door I opened it with a grand flourish.

“Oh, 3azeez!” I said sounding caught off guard.

“Ahlain! Umm shino ma kintay tadreen inna ana bayyi?” He asked sounding confused and putting me on the spot.

I decided to put my sarcasm to use and so with the roll of a tongue it morphed into a lie, “La2, mo chithi bss ya3ni inta tadri mashalla i7na in3arif wayed nas ihni fa gilt yimkin a7ad thani.”

I laughed nervously as I thought “Well what a way to start a relationship! With a lie, and from my side nonetheless!” I know what you’re all thinking and don’t you dare accuse me of being too forward or stepping ahead of myself; there’s nothing wrong with putting in consideration what was bound to happen. I did not wait four years for nothing, and I won’t accept the thought that I did even though it does seem to be the case at the moment. Waay!!! Laish may8il adaba willa shay 3ashan e6ee7 min 3aini oo arta7?!! Bss 6ab3an nafs ma our wedding ib a7lami ohwa inna ekoon shay ‘3air il gallant gentleman he is ba3ad ib a7lami.

“Zaina! Zaina!! Zayoon!!!” He called as he waved a hand in front of my glazed eyes.
“Wain ri7tay?!”

Waay galbi! Galli ‘Zayoon’!

“Ha la wala mokan.” I replied a bit flustered.

“Ma wakaltay e3yalich?!” He asked with a charming lightness in his tone.

I laughed and choosing to ignore the question that would inevitably lead to my face flashing different hues and shades of red I said, “Yalla mishaina?”

“Yalla”, he said as he spread his warm as if telling me to lead the way. Which is absurd really since HE was the one giving ME the tour!

We braced ourselves against the chilly wind that we would meet as soon as we stepped out of the comfort of the warm hotel. Just as we started walking on the sidewalk a strong gust of wind welcomed us and blew my scarf off my neck. I stumbled after it and every time I came close to capturing it, it would escape my grasp. After deciding that it was useless and I’d better stop now before earning any more stares and glances, a hand popped out from behind me and seized the scarf before it could flee again.

I swivelled around slowly to find a smirking 3azeez with eyes filled with amusement. He looked very close to bursting out in laughter at my dishevelled state. I mumbled my thanks and took the scarf from his hands. I wrapped it securely around my neck twice not wanting the recent incident to ever repeat itself, ever! I don’t care what they say about “history is bound to repeat itself” and whatnot; that is not going to happen with me, no siree!

Just as I was about to turn around to see where my superman was, the stubborn, hard-headed, idiotic, mean wind came yet again only instead of attacking my scarf this time it viciously tugged on my beret, it was cute and new too! So much for that speech just now, oh history was definitely not repeating itself! It was merely making its on changes on the now-known story, a much hated story might I add.

Earning another chuckle from 3azeez, he caught the beret before it could take off past him. I held my palm out for the beret as he began to walk along side of me. He gave me a look, as if he was mocking me but that can’t be right. My interpretation skills must be getting a bit rusty, I haven’t analyzed any event for quite some time.

“Intay min 9ijjich? 7asballich ba36eech iyya?! 3ogob illi shifta walla 5ayif innich INTAY it6eereen! Oo mithil ma egooloon il thaltha thabta fa 9ara7a I don’t want to risk it.” He said.

Did I ever mention that he has an adorable British accent? Ta2theer il dirasa barra. Abi ana e9eer 3indi British accent! Way umbay, 7adda yi9la7 7ag tifilsif!

I contented myself with giving him a quiet glare and walked on head held high, arms wrapped around myself not wanting his prophecy to come true. Seeing that it was going to be quite a long walk and I wasn’t in necessarily good company right now I began practicing my soon-to-be accent.

I started practicing with sentences about the weather, which, by the way, was rather gloomy and cloudy.

“Oh really, I seem to think that it is rather marvellous darling! The sun’s shining bright and the charming birds and chirping; can’t you hear them?” 3azeez said in an exaggerated accent. It was like I was speaking to Mr. Banks from Mary Poppins!

I giggled and asked, “shkither ba3ad?”

“Laish ta3abtay? Tara i7na marraina yam akthar min bus stop oo kan fee bus ewadeena lamma il jam3a.” He said.
“3ayyal laish ma rikabna wa7id minhom?!” I asked vexed. My poor feet were probably swollen now and I’ll have ugly blisters by tomorrow.

“Madri, shaklich kintay mistansa bil mashya.” He shrugged.
How can he be so clueless?!

He probably sensed my vibes since he hurriedly said, “Ka fee bus stop 3ogob hal laffa na5ith bus min ihnak, ok? Tara walla asif. 7asballi kintay tabeen tamsheen.” He said looked rather abashed.

“La2 basee6a, ana ba3ad ma tikalamt. Mo ‘3al6itik.” I said as I smiled rather than snapping back as I usually would have.

We quickly walked and after rounding the corner, waited for five minutes for the next bus, and boarded the bus to reach the clear cut building, the Imperial College.

He seemed really comfortable within the walls of the college. He kept stopping to friendly greet some person or the other. I got the tour I came for and much more; we were able to slip into the library and I was astonished by the size of it. The plethora of books on a myriad of topics was simply overwhelming. Yet, with the capacity of holding the books it could it was still modest.

We took a look-see through the library where we were greeted by the librarian. Well really, 3azeez was greeted by the librarian but I seemed to earn a smiley hello simply for being with 3azeez. Boy, did he have them at his fingertips!

6ila3na min il jam3a oo ana 6ab3an halkana bss abi ag3ad. I didn’t waste any time in expressing my wish to 3azeez; I wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice!

He chuckled at my forwardness and led us to a nearby café that looked cosy and quirky. In short, it was established with love and it knew that it was special. My suspicions were confirmed when we walked into the café to see a couple behind the counter laughing as they served the costumers with huge smiles and small talk.

We got our hot chocolates and plate of fresh-baked cookies and sat at a table by the window. I sank into the armchair and began to sip on the smooth hot chocolate careful not to burn my tongue.

I can’t believe I feel so comfortable around him. Even more, I can’t believe my parents trusted him with me, alone! They are definitely not the kind to leave their daughter with whomever, but it seemed like they had a lot of trust in him. I’m beginning to too…

Well, he’s certainly different from how I imagined him. I’m sure that four years also has a hand in how different he seems. He isn’t that schoolboy anymore.

We finished up our snack and headed out of the café. I had regained possession of my beret and I was holding onto it with both hands, afraid it might fly off again.

“Ha, tabeen bus willa mashi?!” 3azeez asked teasingly.
I playfully smacked his arm and steered him towards the bus stop.

“Yal 3ayyaza!!” He laughed as we boarded the bus and slid into the first two seats.

“At least I’m not you!” I shot back with a sly smile.

“Oooh! That hurt!” He said with a hand over his heart.

I giggled at his silliness and turned back to the window. I watched the people zooming by. A woman with her little girl. A guy with his arm locked around his girlfriend’s shoulders. A couple walking by hand in hand. I began to get my ‘fuzzy feeling’. I get that warm feeling of butterflies whenever I see a genuine display of affection, it just gets to me. I smiled softly and I felt sort of dazed.

3azeez poked my shoulder and I looked over to him with that same dazed look.


“Fee bint 9ayerlaha sa3a it6ali3na oo gabl ishway ashiratli inna tabeech.” He said.

“Wain?” I asked.

“Ihnak, shoofeeha yam il bab. It3arfeenha?”

“Ee, hathi Meera. My roommate.” I said and as I got up to greet her I realized how this might look to her. Shock washed over me, I hope she has enough rationality to understand… Oo ba3dain my parents know; it’s not as if I ‘m doing something wrong. But she doesn’t know that. She was sitting in the sit behind the door and she had her stuff on the next seat so that she won’t have to worry about unwanted company. She smiled when she saw me.

Ya rab inha tifham! The last thing I want on my mind is a suspicious, untrusting roommate. I really think we hit it off well that day, and it would be a shame it throw it away over a slight misconception. An error in interpretation.

The bus was empty so it rather easy to get to her. I was slowly making my way over to her when the bus lurched to a stop. I lost my balance and I started to fall back. My arms were flailing for anything to hold onto to break my fall. Nothing.

Faces began to zoom in and out, out of focus. Everything seemed dark and soon I was swallowed in the dark world behind my eyelids.

Brightly colored circles danced around, changing colors and shifting into squares then stars then merging into each other and spreading out to cover everything in my line of vision.

My head began to pound, or was that my arm?

I think I hear 3azeez, or is that the bus driver? Mama?? La2, that’s Meera, I think.

I can’t think anymore, it hurts far too much. I just want to sleep. Sleep, sleep, sleep forever…


Inshalla 3jabkom!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Fling 1

Dedicated to My friends oo D13;**

Once upon a time, in a Neverland maybe!! I was sitting at a table where everything around me
was white and clear; I was reviewing for my final exams or studying.... I couldn't remember
which since all I could think of was HIM, HIM: my prince charming!

I was reading my papers and in my other hand were HIS papers that were stolen from his
locker. I smelled the scent of the papers it smelled just like his scent! But this time it was getting
stronger; I could smell it clearly!! Suddenly his voice appeared oo my heart sunk , goose-pumps started to spread in my body oo my smile grew bigger!
"Hii", his amazing voice said. I just smiled back as I couldn't answer, he takes my breathe away!! Faj2a he reaches for his papers that were in my hand!! His warm big hand landed on mine!! Oo my heart jumped out... oo my heart beats were fast! I just could not believe it! His touch was warm and safe.

He took the papers away from me! I didn't want him to see that they were his, but I was incapable of speaking at all. He opened them as he said,"Mo chena these are my papers?"
I started to shake mn el 5ar3a, yes they are oo stolen ba3ad! Umbaii shagoulaa!!!
My heart sank oo my stomcah started to ache, oo I could hardly talk or even breathe as I said uncertainly "Ummm...No! I don't think so'.

He gave me a look ely 'latchathbeen' as he said, "maktoub 3aliha my name oo 5a6ii ba3ad!"
I stared back speechless oo my eyes teared up. Bss I tried to hold it in oo amazingly I did!
He turned the page oo saw the drawing oo el graphics that I made with his name oo hearts all around! Umbaii fashlah shinu bagool ya3nii! He looked at me oo all I said was," I did not draw those, my friend did". Shinu 7mara ana shinu!! Moo ana sawyta, ya3nii 7ada ashkara! Umbaii fashla...moo hindii ohwa! Akeed eb yefham ya3nii!!

He smiled back oo I started to shake more! Oo I couldn't think eb ay shay! Ya3nii 5ala9 ashkara he knew everything!!

Faj2a the place changed oo kan wagef jedamii he reached for the other papers that were in the tables. I have no idea shloon I let go of the pen that was in my hand, and landed my hands on his!!! He raised his head oo look right into my eyes!! Ana saraaaaaaaa7t oo I forgot everything ely knt bagoula!!

Oo i finally spoke!! " Abii a6lebik 6alab!" He looked at me deeply oo said "SHHHH,, 3indy el6alab!" I had no idea shnoo ya3nii bss he leaned on me oo his face got closer oo I could smell his scent 3adil. It went right through my nose laaay my lungs as I breathed it carefully!! His nose touched mine oo he got closer and closer laaain he reached my lips....... I couldn't release him. I wanted to push him bs he held me tighter oo I gave up!!

His KISS was amazing! it felt soo sweeet that I couldn't hold myself up!! Bss I turned my faace oo he finished the kiss on my cheeks!!

I took a step back. Oh my God!! What just happened?! Umbai.

He looked at me oo he saw t3abeer wayheee as he said " wala assssfff ma kaan 8a9dii shay chethii" I couldn't answer him my eyes teared up. I didn't want it to end chethyy!! Oo everything 9ar black... oo the poor little girl woke up mn her dream as she said "I'll be waiting for my prince to recognize me!!"



Netta: "ZaiiNaaa Yallaaaa Gouuuum... wake up!"

Zaainaa: "Coming!! "

Oh my God!! 7adii pathetic I been having this dream for the last 4 years. 3azeez graduated before 4 years and is currently in university. I had a crush on him when I was in ninth grade. I tried to get over him bs the results were not satisfying. Now this summer will be the SUMMER. I graduated, wa5eeran, oo I'm heading to London to find the perfect university for me to study at! Today inshalla is the day; my parents and I ra7 ensafer.


As we arrived at the hotel, we checked in oo relaxed, the next day I went shopping with mom then we sat bel pizzeria oo I saw a familiar face..awal shay I thought ena I was just hellucinating bs laman looked again he was still there! What should I do 7ada fashalah enshallah he doesn't recognize me!!

I don't even think he knows ena I exist!! How pathetic?! Oo I am trying to avoid someone that does not even know I exist!

After 5 min he left ,el 7imdillah, oo my mom said, "Zayoona shefich me5tar3a?"

"La2, wala shay mama", I said oo trying to pull myself together; he did not see you I tried to convince myself.

The waiter approached us, "What would you like to order?"

"I will have the margarita pizza, and Diet Coke please", I said

"I'd like the vegetarian pizza and some water, please", said my mom.

Just then my dad arrived and walked over to us smiling and sat, "tadroon mino shift??"

Mom, "Minu?"

"Weld 3amtii S3oud, welda 3abdl3zeez Al-# yadress eb nafs el jam3a elii ra7 tadress feeha Zayoona".

I was shocked oo my mouth fell, literally. I could not believe what I was hearing!! Madrii shinu I was feeling. Happy or sad or angry??

Then I decided I was really mad oo shocked oo nervous when my dad said, "3ezamt 3azeez yakel ma3ana, ehwa bara bs egool 7ag rab3a oo eyee."

3azeez is my 2nd cousin; I can't believe it! Every time my dad esalm 3alayh eb my school I thought ena his father oo my father are friends oo now I realize ena he is my COUSIN!!

Wai3!! I have a crush on my 2nd cousin; I have a rule ena 'COUSINS R UR BROTHERS'. Bs he is too good looking to be my 2nd cousin!!

Faj2a as I was rambling 3azeez approached our table oo he sat next to my dad and me.

"El Salam 3alaykom", his amazing smooth voice said.

"Wa3aykom el salam, Shlonek 3azeez, oo Shlon el walda??" replied my mom.

"Zaineen el 7imdillah", he said.

*Awkward silence*

"3azeez, bentii Zayoona ra7 tadress eb nafs el jam3a elii enta tadress feha", my dad said.

"9ej?! Shinu ta5a9o9ich??" He asked me

"Handasa, oo enta?" I replied. A9lan i know ena he is majoring in cardiology, mashallah he is really smart.

"Cardiology", he said.

"Mashallah, bs 9a3ba hal madaa, 9a7?" I asked

"kelshay 9a3b bs etha darastay oo you like want you are doing ra7 ekoon sahel", he said.

El wagt mesha ebser3a oo faj2a 5ala9na... 7ada eshawig oo laman solafna 7asyat ena I known him since forever....oo 7adii mestansa because it's our first conversation! Oo I am not dreaming; it's for real! Someone pinch me!!

"Zaina, wayn re7tay?" Asked 3azeez.

Chan atane7 oo I answered, "laaa2 wala mokan, bs el mara looks familiar elii tawha e6la3at." I was trying to arage3ha.

"Tabeen a36eech tour entay oo your parents eb el university?" He asked.

"Ee, plz 7adi 5ayfa enii a'9ee3! Thank you", I answered

"La2 eshda3wa! E7na ahal", he said politely.

"Yalla ana maashii ma3a el salama oo mashkoor 3amii 3ala el 3asha,oo etha tabii ay shay hatha ra8mii", he said as he stood up to leave.

"El 3afoo, oo mashkoor maa etga9er", my dad replied.

My dad paid el check oo we headed to our hotel, oo men el ta3ab nemna ebser3a.

The Next Morning:

We woke up early, ate breakfast, oo re7na apartment hunting. Oo finally we found a perfect apartment that was near the university oo my roommate is an emariti girl that I've never met, her dad and my dad are friends, oo hopefully she would turn out to be nice *crossing my fingers*!

"Zayoona hathii Meera", my mom said

"Hi Meera, shlonich? Ana Zaynaa!" I said introducing myself.

"Ana eb5ayr, entay esh7alich?" She replied.

"Good! Tabeen we go out for lunch so we can get to know each other", I asked.

"Ee, yalla akoo a Chinese restaurant 7ada 6ayeeb near our apartment, 'Roomy' " she said and giggled
"Then lets go 'Roomy' " I said giggling.

We went in oo ordered oo we started to talk oo get to know each other better oo she turned out to be a really nice girl!

"Yallah bye, see you tomorrow roomy", she said.

"Bye", I replied.

On my way to the hotel marayt Starbucks oo I ordered a cappuccino wela ashoof 3azeez oo I tried to avoid him 3ashan maa e9er shay akward lena 7adii manii 5elg.

"Zayna, 1 cappuccino skimmed milk no cream" shouted the Starbucks guy.

"Thank you" I replied.

Then, 3azeez looks over to me when he caught my name oo he walks towards me.

"Hala Zayna, shlonich?" He said.

"Good, enta?" I asked politely.

"Zain, shinu yaybich ehnii?" He asked.

" la2 bs tawnii kent ma3a my room mate oo we chose our apartment oo it is near by" I replied

"9ij? Ana ba3ad my apartment yam Starbucks 3ayal ra7 ashoofich wayed ehnii" he said and smiled

"La2 moo wayed I am not a big fan of Starbucks" I replied and smiled back.

*Awkward Silence*

"Yalah bye ta5ar el wagt lazem ared el hotel", I said as I broke the awkward silence.

"La2 maa etreden ebroo7ich ana aw9lich el hotel", he said gallantly.

God, he's such a gentle men 7ada zooqa, oo they blame me for having a crush on him.

"Bs a5af ur busy!" I said.

"La2 ma 3indii shay, yala meshyna?" He replied.

"Yala" I said.

We got inside the taxi oo we started to talk during the ride; it was the best taxi ride I ever had. We talked about food, bs who the hell talks about food?!

He likes Indian and spicy food mithly ( ;p ) 7ada we are meant for each other!

"Akoo Indian restaurant 7ada 3ajeeb ra7 a3zemich 3alayh sometime, ra7 ya3jebich", he said.

"3ad eb london el ehunod matroosen", I said.

"Ee 9a7 kalamich, mara wa7id hindii 3abalah ena I was indian oo spoke to me bel hindii, oo I told him ena I am not hindii!" He said.

"3ad shalik moo hindii, you are too handsome to be Indian" I said.

Umbaii did I just say that out loud!!! Bs el 7imdillah el taxi stopped oo I opened the door oo quickly jumped out of the cab oo geltla "Bye & thank you" gabl la he says anything oo I ran 7ada ebser3a to my hotel room.

I tried to sleep bs makoo fayda, I just keep replaying what just happened, 7ada fashlah what the hell did I just do?!

35 sheeps,,,,,41 sheeps,,ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


"Aloo?" I answered in a sleepy voice

"Zayoona , yalah gomay , tara 3azeez ra7 emoorich at 11 3ashan esawiilich tour 7ag your university, oo ana oo obooch can't come ma3zoomen", said my mom

"SHINU?!" I screamed.

"Yala ta5arana 7abebtii, bye", she said oo hung up the phone.

Men 9ejhom?! Oh my God, 7ada fashalah after salfat ams! Shit, it's 10:30 lazm I get ready ebser3a.
